Sunday 3 May 2015

Miss Havisham Continuity

So the day has come where I had to recreate my Miss Havisham. How did it go? Not as good as id liked it to have.

  • Gelatine
  • Foundation
  • Primer
  • Ben Nye contour palette
  • Glycerine
  • Supra colour palette
  • Fake blood

  • Medium curlers
  • Tail comb
  • Hair pins
  • Dry shampoo

My make up application was fine, and all went to plan. I had a lil hiccup with my gelatine, as I forgot to soak it first which nearly ruined it. 

In the end I managed to fix the issue and apply the gelatine where needed. 

My before and after Miss Havisham are similar but not sure if I quite captured the continuity. My model thinks the application looks the same but I'm unsure.

Well here it is my finished continuity look along with my face chart and notes.

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